Comedy drama for UK's biggest housebuilder, helping to win top customer satisfaction award

Barratt Developments plc   |   Case Study


  • Barratt Developments plc - encompassing Barratt Homes, David Wilson Homes, Wilson Bowden and others - is the biggest housebuilder by volume in the United Kingdom
  • Ensuring that customers are delighted with the results at home handover time is crucial to their success
  • With many on-site contractors involved in the process, it was essential to ensure they understood the importance of getting every last detail right. Even the most minor issues could come up in post-handover homeowner surveys, with a direct effect on the success of the business and the complete satisfaction of their customers
  • A short training film was ideal as it could be shown in work breaks and was more cost-effective than running dedicated courses
  • From script to screen, we created a short "drama-style" film entitled "The Most Important Day". Incorporating exaggerated mishaps, behavious and issues, it was designed to appeal to the likes of local contractors including electricians, cleaners, plumbers and builders, by including identifiable characters
  • The film was shot over one and a half days on a tight budget, with no prior rehearsal and featuring Barratt staff, and involved coordinating around 30 different individuals and several locations
  • The film was such a success that it was rolled out across the entire group and helped ensure that Barratt was awarded the maximum 5-star official rating for the second consecutive year in 2011 by the Home Builders Federation after 20,000 new home buyers took part in their annual survey